April 2015
How Privileged We Are

Apr 1, 2015 | Past Dean's Columns

NSAGO Dean Andrea Handley

Andrea Handley

This past Sunday, as we all know, was Palm/Passion Sunday.  We ended the service with “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”, to focus the congregation toward Holy Week.  I’ve always been impacted by the text to the last verse of that hymn: “Were the whole realm of nature mine, that were an offering far too small; love so amazing, so divine, demands my life, my soul, my all.”  I love having the choir lead the third verse softly acapella, and then building to the final verse in a higher key, to emphasize the power of the text.

Afterward, at coffee hour, a wonderful older member of the congregation came up to me with tears in her eyes, thanking me for that hymn.  But interestingly, her tears weren’t just because of how it had moved her.  She said that it made her sad that she and others were able to absorb the power of a moment like that while I wasn’t, because I was playing and couldn’t “enjoy the moment”.  Her kindness and sensitivity astounded me, but more than that, I was so surprised at her comment.  Because for me, having the privilege of being able to create a moment like that for others is not only a tremendous reward, but allows me to “enjoy the moment” and absorb the meaning of it in an even more profound way.

It was just another of the many times that I’ve been struck with how privileged we are in this profession.  We have a part in turning minds and hearts toward the cross at the beginning of this spiritually rich week of all weeks.

Andrea Handley, Dean

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