After the wonderful opening program of our 60th anniversary season in September, I went home thinking about the role of ‘history’ in our lives. As I looked around the room that day, I saw people who have just recently become part of my life. But I also saw those who have been part of my life for over 40 years. And it’s nice to know people who have been a part of your life for that long. It’s grounding and represents stability in a world that is anything but stable.
Friends appear and disappear, family members move away, church jobs and acquaintances from those churches come and go. But the friends and colleagues that you make through AGO become lifelong connections. In addition to coming together to enjoy our great instrument with each other, or share ideas and learn new things, AGO programs are a great time to re-establish connections with lifelong friends and colleagues. When you think about it, that’s a rare and precious thing in most of our lives.
Andrea Handley, Dean