January 2019
Dean’s Column
Into 2019 With Expectancy

Jan 10, 2019 | Past Dean's Columns

For me, it seems like along with my annual reading of Christmas cards (which I still send and love to receive), I read a lot of articles commending gratitude. We were reminded that not only does God expect our gratitude, but listing our blessings improves our outlook; happiness does not lead to gratitude, but gratitude does lead to happiness; and more. I appreciate the opportunity to look back on the past year with that perspective and step into 2019 with expectancy. Not that we can’t expect a curve ball or two – but hopefully we will respond with grace and be able to find some aspect we can be thankful for.

Bringing this back to what unites us as colleagues and friends, I am truly thankful for the joy music brings us each week. Individually and collectively we experience something unique as we lead and participate in worship through organ music.The scriptures speak of nature crying out to worship God and here we are able play the “King of Instruments”.

I trust this has been a rewarding Christmas/Hannuka Season and that you can slow down a bit in these early days of 2019.

Please check the calendar and join us for the wonderful programs ahead. You won’t want to miss any of these events.  And speaking of events, here is a very important update from Andrea Handley concerning the 2021 Regional AGO Convention we will be hosting!


As many of you know by now, the North Shore chapter will be hosting the 2021 Regional AGO Convention. We’re planning on June 27-30, 2021, and the location will be the Orrington Hotel in downtown Evanston.

I have agreed to be the convention coordinator, and I’m excited about this opportunity for our chapter! We have a great chapter with many talented performers, outstanding potential workshop facilitators, and a myriad of remarkable instruments to showcase. And being so close to downtown Chicago will be a huge draw as well.

There are numerous committees to be set up, and a myriad of opportunities to be involved in to help make this event a success, and I’m hoping many of you will volunteer in some way to join in this effort. And believe it or not, we’re already slightly behind in our planning for this, as there is a very detailed schedule of what needs to be accomplished by certain dates in anticipation of this event!

Here is a list of the committees, and the people who have agreed thus far to chair some of these committees:

Convention Coordinator: Andrea Handley

Treasurer, Finance chair: Laurie Stivers

Secretary: Richard Clemmitt

Program chair: Bob Woodworth (robertwoodworth@att.net)

Hospitality chair: Sharon Peterson (speterson@igc.org)

Competition chair: Beth Naegele (socratesnaegele@att.net)

Registration chair: Chuck Sundquist (charles.sundquist@gmail.com)

Program book chair: Brian Schoettler (schoettlermusic@gmail.com)

Volunteers chair: Judy Kohl (judygkohl@gmail.com)

Exhibits chair: Derek Nickels (denickels@holycomforter.org)

Transportation/Logistics (can be split into two or combined into one committee)




Gifts and Grants (sub-committee of Finance committee)

As you can see, there are several committees that are yet to be chaired. I’m in the process of actively recruiting for these committee chairs, and would love to hear from any of you who may be interested in a chairmanship. I have detailed job descriptions of each of these committees that I’m glad to forward to you if you think you might be interested but have questions about what’s involved. All committee chairs will be a part of the steering committee, which will meet every two months beginning as soon as each committee has a chair, and then monthly as the date approaches and work becomes more involved.

I’ve also included email addresses of the current chairs so that you can contact them if you are interested in being a committee member in any of these areas.

Please give serious consideration to being involved – this effort is going to take many hands to make it a success. But it will definitely be worth it! Feel free to contact me (andrea.handley@gmail.com) with any questions you might have.

Andrea Handley



Judy Kohl (Dean)


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