January 2019
A Musical Journey

Jan 10, 2019 | Past Events, Past Testimonials

It seems a lifetime ago that I was just a grade school kid at St. Francis Xavier School in Wilmette. At that time, the school offered free music lessons…students would leave class and walk across the parking lot to the convent. My piano teacher, Sister Marian Celeste, looked at me one day and said, “I think your legs are long enough now. I shall teach you to play the organ”.  And that’s how it all began. The year was 1958.

Several years later as a junior at Loyola Academy High School, the organist at St. Francis died unexpectedly, and I became the weekday organist, playing three morning services before heading out to school to start the day at 9:30. It was the good old days of the Latin mass, so not only did I play the organ, I also had to sing the responses back to the priest in Latin.  I guess I was too young to be nervous.

While attending Loyola University downtown campus, I spent 6 nights a week at a club on Rush Street called the Red Garter.  3 banjos, a tuba, and me on piano.  I learned to love Dixieland music and made a good living playing weekends for parties and gatherings. I still occasionally get called to play shows and dinner dances with those excellent musicians.

Congregational UCC church in Arlington Heights asked me to take the open position of permanent organist. It was then I discovered the AGO, which provided a wonderful resource of contacts and a resource for music. The professionalism of AGO was much appreciated, and to this day, I especially value the contacts with other musicians in the field as well as the variety of workshops and conferences.

I left the UCC church after 7 years to return to subbing. Many Saturday evening masses were played at St. Michaels in Old Town, (Judith Trosen) and St. Joseph in Wilmette (Walt Horn).  Meantime I took a permanent spot at Community Presbyterian Church in Mt. Prospect, a position I held until 2001 when I left to became the music director at St. Joseph Church in Wilmette. I had the opportunity to take several lessons from Jim Brown at St. Giles Church in Northbrook, since my pedal ability was weak, and Jim was instrumental in upgrading my skills. And as music director, I have become close friends with some of the greatest musicians on the North Shore.  Ironically, my “day job” is office manager at the Village Presbyterian Church in Northbrook, and that is where I crossed paths with Sharon Peterson, who occasionally stops by to play the organ and substitute when the regular organist is unavailable.

Music and churches have provided me with a lifetime filled with beauty and devotion.  I could not ask for a better situation, and I hope never to retire.  Music is the greatest gift!

John Hopkins

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