RCYO Updates
It is time to start planning for RCYO chapter competitions to be held next February-April. Due to COVID-19, there will be no live chapter events in 2021. The RCYO Committee has revised the competition rules to allow chapters to host a chapter competition safely, by recording. The RCYO Committee has formulated the guidelines below, but they are also open to creative alternatives (subject to committee approval). The committee has sought to simulate a live event wherever possible.
1. As usual, the competitors will submit an initial online application; the deadline for submission is January 15, 2021.
2. With the aid of a proctor, each competitor will create a recording of their RCYO performance.
3. The proctor will upload the recorded performance into the competitor’s online application. Proctors can also submit CD recordings, if that is easier to do.
4. On the day of the competition, the chapter competition coordinator will share the recordings with the judges and chapter members during a video meeting (e.g. Zoom) or by email.
5. After the judges have determined a winner, the competitors will be asked to join the video meeting to hear the results.
The committee is excited to be able to hold the 2021 RCYO competitions as virtual events. Your chapter can submit an online application to host a 2021 chapter competition from the RCYO page of the website, https://www.agohq.org/performance-competitions/rcyo/ . The chapter competition dates will be posted on line as the chapter applications are received. For more information, contact the RCYO Committee Director, Vivienne McKay, at vivmckay@att.net .
The AGO Task Force on Gender Equity
The AGO is excited to announce that a task force has been formed under the leadership of Nancy Cooper, DMA, CAGO, to address gender equity in our profession.
- To advocate for women organists
- To bring more women into the Guild
- To attract a new generation of young women organists
- To build equal representation of women in the American Guild of Organists at all levels
The task force will be planning meetings and webinars to support greater awareness of its mission. For more information please email elizabeth.george@agohq.org.

Elizabeth George, CMM
Director of Member Engagement and Chapter Development