My home practice instrument is a Johannus Sweelinck 20. I purchased this brand new in 2000 because I needed a “modern” instrument to practice on. My only other option for practice close to home was a 1 manual 1888 tracker at my home church. At the time, I was assistant organist at First Methodist in Evanston, and lived in Streamwood. Driving 30 miles one way to practice wasn’t feasible 4-5 days a week while working full-time and attending night college. She has served me very well over the years and still works without any problems. Little did I realize, this would become my work instrument for about 6 months while we were under shelter in place orders and then during a construction project at St. David’s last year. One of these days, I’ll get around to upgrading her to Hauptwerk and give her a whole new life!
Rich Spantikow