Richard Clemmitt
Organist and Choirmaster of Christ Church in Winnetka
1. What is sitting on your desk right now?
A pile of church work that still needs attention post-Easter.
2. What would I rather be doing right now?
Whenever I can, I always enjoy making more time for family and for composing church music.
3. The best advice I ever received?
The first advice that comes to mind was from a mentor who encouraged me to correspond often and thoroughly with choir members.
4. The best advice I ever gave?
I like to encourage choristers to take takes risks while trying their hardest, remembering that the consequences of failure are small in a mutually supportive ensemble.
5. What keeps me motivated in life?
The possibility for doing good work that may benefit others.
6. What are you going to miss the most after you step down from being Sub-Dean?
I’ll miss working together with our excellent board members. I also will miss the fun that the Sub-Dean has in helping shape our season schedules.
7. Tell us just a bit about your family.
My family and I have lived in the Chicago area for thirty years. My wife, Elizabeth, is a music teacher and spiritual director. We have two grown sons, Ethan and Adam.