Elizabeth A. S. Brown
Attorney at Law
Elizabeth took a few minutes to answer some questions so we can know her a bit better. She and her husband faithfully attend most chapter events.
1. What is sitting on your desk right now?
I try to keep my desk clear – so I will take this question to mean, “What are you working on right now?” This week I am on vacation in northern Wisconsin, but when I get home, I will be working on preparation for the Bible study groups that I lead. Every other Monday afternoon, a group of 5 ladies comes to my house, and we are currently engaged in an in-depth study of the book of Acts. I need to keep ahead of them so I can hand out study questions for the next lesson. We are reading a commentary by John Stott, and I also am reading one by James Montgomery Boice. On Tuesday mornings, I lead a small group at church, looking at the lectionary passages for that week. And once a month we have Naomi Circle, where we are studying a Presbyterian Women’s curriculum on the women in Jesus’ genealogy, In addition to that, I recently was asked to do some substituting at Westminster Place Elliot Chapel on Wednesdays later in the summer when our regular organist is on vacation – so I need to select music and begin practicing. When I return from vacation, I will meet with our regular organist and get an orientation to the Elliot Chapel organ.
2. What would I rather be doing right now?
Off the top of my head, I’d rather be sleeping. Lately, the challenges of being a 24/7 caregiver have prevented me from getting much sleep at night. Seriously, I’d like to do more traveling, but COVID put that on hold for so long, and now I am not sure how much we can handle. Also, I would so love to have a bit of time to just be alone and quiet – also difficult for a caregiver to accomplish.
3. The best advice I ever received?
Although I went through years of schooling to become an accountant and attorney, the best financial advice I ever received was from my mother: “If you don’t have the money, don’t buy it.” She also taught us to buy quality. We didn’t have a lot of clothes and other things, but what we had lasted. My parents’ income and resources were modest, but we never lacked for anything.
4. The best advice I ever gave?
It seems that lately I have frequently had to advise some of my clients to focus on what is important, and let the little things go. There is a human tendency to want to prove that we are right all the time, but sometimes the issue just isn’t that important. Look to the result you want to accomplish, and let go of any need for vengeance or vindication.
5. What keeps me motivated in life?
What keeps me motivated in life is my relationship with God – corporate worship, prayer, personal Bible study, and being able to help others understand and read the Bible. And, of course, playing the organ. Although I don’t play a lot in public, I practice a couple of times a week, and relish every opportunity I do get to play. One of my biggest challenges as a caregiver is keeping my husband occupied and interested, and he loves just sitting and listening to me practice. By the way, I adored the Cesar Franck piece at the last AGO event, and it sounded “accessible,” so I ordered it and will start practicing it soon.
6. Tell us just a bit about your family.
My family – I have one son who is 37 and on disability. My husband has a daughter, age 40, who lives in Green Bay, WI, and has three boys – age 9, age 7 and 5; and a son who lives in Wonder Lake, IL, and has a boy, age 6, and a foster daughter, age 3.