So welcome to August – August is usually known as the vacation month – it seems as if everyone is on vacation during this month – I tend to think that all organists in the Metro area are on vacation – organist substitutes are really needed at this time and then actually even more – so now is the time to train more substitutes – and this brings us to the point for the Chapter to award more scholarships and for these students to take free organ lessons – so this will be one of the main Chapter activities for the coming season.
Actually I do know that many of you have attended many of the various seminars, workshops as presented by the various religious denominations and of course the Great Lakes Regional Convention in June, and even the OHS Convention in Toronto, however everyone should note that there is still time to find a learning experience to sharpen your skills just prior to the coming Fall choral season.
August – actually is the 8th month in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars. This month was originally known as Sextilis under Romulus and then about 700 BC it became the 8th month of the year instead of the 6th. Julius Caesar added 2 more days to make a full 31 days in the month. In 8 BC the month was renamed in honor of the Emperor Augustus as this was a time of great triumphs including the conquest of Egypt. Augustus wanted this month to be equal in length to Caesar’s month of July with 31 days.
In Europe August is basically known as the holiday month for workers as numerous religious holidays occurred during August in Ancient Rome.
Certain meteor showers take place in August such as Kappa Cygnids, Alpha Capiconids meteor shower in July/August and Southern Delta Aquaslids from mid July to mid August. The star cluster of Messier 30 is best observed around mid August.
The Zodia sign of course is Leo.
The August birthstones are peridot, sardonyx and the spinet.
Birthflowers for the month are the gladiolas and/or the poppy both meaning beauty, strength of character, love, marriage and family.
The month of August has some very interesting monthly celebrations such as:
- American Adventures Month
- Get Ready for Kindergarten Month
- Happiness Happens Month
- National Immunization Awareness Month
- National Water Quality Month
- Family Meals Month
- National Panini Month
- Peach Month
- Sandwich Month
- National Goat Cheese Month

As noted previously and speaking of August being the vacation month, it is duly noted that so many of our North Shore AGO Chapter members have been taking a sort of working/vacation during July and August by traveling to England and singing the daily services in some of the various Cathedrals. Obviously they are serving as replacement choirs while the Cathedral choirs go on their annual break and vacation. It should be noted that the choir of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Evanston was joined by the choir of Grace Episcopal Church in Hinsdale under the direction of Andrew Lewis and Andrew Paul Fredel along with organists Peter Morey and Laurie Stivers were leading the daily services at Chester Cathedral in northwest England. Similarly, the choir of Christ Church Episcopal in Winnetka led by Richard Clemmitt and organists Todd Gresick and Derek Nickels will be leading the daily services at Canterbury Cathedral. Currently the Northern Illinois University choir along with organist Marianne Kim is leading the daily services at Exeter Cathedral in southwest England. It is really very fortunate that so many of our North Shore AGO Chapter members have been or are currently involved in the worship life of several Cathedrals in England.
So now is the preparation time for all of the Chapter programs and events for the next 2023-2024 season! Please be on the lookout or watch to see when the programs and events will be for each of the coming months!