The leaves are falling! The musical season has begun! Regular church services have returned to some sort of normal status! Choir rehearsals are in full sessions and preparing for the special festivals of this Fall season! Area musical groups including choirs, orchestras, opera groups and college/university choral and orchestral groups are in full swing preparing music for a multitude on concerts that are enticing all of us to partake of so many programs for this season!
Even though actually right now there are a very few warm days, we do know that the cold days are coming – time to prepare for the coming Holidays and winter!
October actually is the tenth month in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars while it was the eighth month in the old calendar of Romulus around 750 B.C. In the Anglo-Saxon world October was called Winterfulleth because of the full moon winter was supposed to begin.
Everyone should take note of the Hunter’s Moon or full moon which will appear on October 28th this year! Sometimes this Hunter’s Moon is called the Drying Rice Moon or the Blood Moon and the Sanguine Moon.
Birthstones for the month of October are the tourmaline and/or opal.
The flower for the month is the calendula.
Obviously there are an incredible amount of special observances for the month including:
Month of the Holy Rosay Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Health Literacy Month International Walk to School Month
World Blindness Month Vegetarian Awareness Month
American Archives Month National Adopt A Dog Month
National Arts and Humanities Month Italian-American History Month
Polish American Month National Work and Family Month
And many, many, many more!!
October’s Symphony
In October’s realm, nature’s brush unfurls,
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer
Bringing forth hues that enchant boys and girls.
Autumn’s palette paints a splendid scene,
A miracle of seasons, vibrant and serene.
Brilliant colors burst, like fireworks in the sky,
Golden, red, and orange, catching every eye.
Each season brings a gift, a part of nature’s plan,
But October’s beauty, a masterpiece at hand.
Embracing change, we witness nature’s art,
A reminder of miracles, etched in every heart.
October’s symphony, a visual delight,
The magic of the seasons, an awe-inspiring sight.
So as mentioned earlier in this newsletter and later under the section title Events Around the Area now is the time to take advantage of all of the very special musical concerts of the Fall Season!! I hope to many of you there at these events!
October 08 at 4:00pm John Sherer in an organ recital at the First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield
October 15 – 17 Lectures in Church Music at Concordia University, Chicago
October 15 at 4:00pm Opus #327 Open House at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Evanston
October 15 at 4:30pm Beloved Music from Movies at First Presbyterian Church of Evanston
October 26 at 7:00pm Johann Vexo in an organ recital at Holy Name Cathedral
October 28 at 6:00pm Chicago Chapter AGO Members’ Recital at St. John Cantius Church, Chicago
October 30 at 2:00pm Luc Ponet in an organ recital at Elliott Chapel at Presbyterian Homes in Evanston