Beware the Ides of March!
So here is the Month of March this year that is the season of Lent, Holy Week and Easter along with the beginning of the month of Ramadan. For many this is the month of hearing a variety of Requiems as similar to the Advent season with hearing so many versions of the Messiah!

March is one of the few months that always contained 31 days in both the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The name March comes from the name Martius or Mars – the God of War. Obviously a very long time ago the time of March was also the beginning of the Season of Warfare.
March interestingly has a very long list of strange and actually unique month-long and daily observances. These include: the season of non-violence, Women in History Month, Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month, Irish-American Heritage Month, Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month, National Celery Month, National Frozen Food Month, National Kidney Month, National Nutrition Month, National Professional Social Work Month, National Reading Awareness Month and of course Tax Day and Time Change Month!
Everyone can actually go to the March Wikipedia to see the very long list of month long observances and also special observances for each day of the month – actually this list is way too long for noting here.
So please be aware of all of these very specific days and observances to be aware of, also please remember that during this year March is home to the religious observances of our times. Best wishes to all as we celebrate this unique time of the year!
Current Job Listings
Organist – Fairoaks Presbyterian Church, Oak Park
- One Sunday service at 10:00 and seasonal services
- Two choir rehearsals per month
- Negotiable salary
Send resume to:
Organist/Director of Music – St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Park Ridge
- One Sunday service – approximately 13 to 18 hours per week
- Salary range $30,000 to $35,000
Send resume to:
Chapel Organist – Downers Grove First United Methodist Church
- One service – approximately 5 hours per week
- Salary range $8,500 to $10,000
Send resume to:
Organist – First Presbyterian Church of Woodstock
- One service per week
- Salary $8,500
Contact: Christy Johanson at: 815-382-5234
Future North Shore Chapter Programs