Northshore AGO Scholarship Program

The North Shore AGO offers two organ scholarships available for beginning or continuing organ students who study with a teacher who is a member of the North Shore chapter. One or two awards of $250.00 will be made each year and are to be used for expenses related to organ study (i.e. tuition, music, organ shoes).

The Beginning Organ Study Scholarship is open to piano students who are playing at the level of a Bach Invention and interested in learning to play the organ. Students who are already studying the organ with a North Shore member may apply for a Continuing Organ Study Scholarship.

Both applications require teacher recommendations, YouTube links of performances, and other information detailed on the application. Students will receive a complimentary membership in the American Guild of Organists (which includes a subscription to The American Organist magazine).

For more information, check out the applications or e-mail the scholarship chair.
Applications are due APRIL 1st and may be downloaded below.

Beginning Organ Study Scholarship

Continuing Organ Study Scholarship


If you have any questions, please reach out to the Northshore Scholarship Chair!

Dr. Mary Beth Molenaar