The accounts will be reconciled with the bank statement on March 31, 2019, and the details of the month’s transactions will be presented to the board at the next meeting for approval. As of March, 2019, the balances are:
Checking: $4,775.16
Scholarships: $4,373.62
Reserves: $22,681.55
Total: $31,830.33
We received $87.00 in dues from the central office and wrote reimbursement checks totaling $397.00 for expenses associated with the Rubis Bauer recital. After a few late additions, the total cost of the recital was $2447.05, with the Chicago Chapter contributing $1,220.52. We are all grateful for Evan Duvall’s excellent management, coordinating and accounting skills which led to an excellent program.
The board is grateful for the generosity of our members. The contributions above and beyond your dues help with the costs of programs and web services. Additional contributions can be made at any time through ONCARD, which keeps track of dues and contributions for each member.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Spears, Treasurer