As a gardener, by November I have prepared my flower beds for the long Chicago winter. Furniture has been hauled into the garage and I’ve resigned myself to the fact that a high percentage of life will now be happening indoors.
Winding down may be a natural scenario for the garden, but for a church musician, we are instead gearing up for a marathon of services, extra rehearsals and extensive planning.
William Manchester, the great biographer of Winston Churchill, wrote that when Churchill died, there was a service at the great St. Paul’s Cathedral. When everybody thought it was over, a trumpet way up in the dome played “Taps.”“Day is done, gone the sun, from the lake, from the hills, from the sky…” and everybody thought that was the end, but it was not. On the other side of the dome, another trumpet blew “Reveille.” Time to get up. Time to get up. Time to get up.
So in the spirit of Churchill, let’s go be conquerors. Not the kind who defeat armies and capture cities, or grab market share in business. Contrary to conventional wisdom, ancient philosophers wrote that the true conqueror is the person who masters their own inner spirit. Perhaps for us this means facing the challenges inherent in the coming season with serenity and calm.
Having lost three close friends in the last month, I know more than ever that life is short. I for one don’t want to live it waiting for my schedule to clear or certain events to be over. I’m planning to embrace the coming season, knowing full well it will bring some added stress. Yet, I welcome the opportunity to live life with a spirit of joy and serenity.
Judy Kohl