Income from dues and donations received for November was $181.00. Most members’ annual dues are paid between June and September and income from dues and contributions will be minimal until next June.
Our current balances as of 26 November, 2019 are:
Checking $2,703.48
Scholarships $2,069.41
Reserves $18,185.88
Total $22,958.77
The month will close with a further charge of $130.00 for webmaster services. A reimbursement check for $400.00 was written to Robert Woodworth.
In addition to chapter dues, usually either $33.00 or $41.00 per year, the chapter is dependent on reserves and additional donations to cover the costs of underwriting programs, the website, and expenses. Your donations are important to the chapter and will be recognized. Please make your donations online through ONCARD. While you are signed onto ONCARD, please make sure your address, telephone number(s), Substitution List status, and email address(es) are up to date. It’s easy to do.
Richard Spears