As most of you know by now, with the uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, all five of the AGO regions decided in May to move the 2021 regional conventions to 2023. Our new dates are June 25-28, 2023.
While it’s possible that the gathering of large crowds and group singing will be able to return by next summer, it’s not at all certain. And definitely not certain enough to warrant the hiring of artists, and payment of deposits to a hotel and transportation company for an event that may have to be cancelled. The cost of that was made painfully clear this year with the cancellation of the national convention.
Fortunately, all twelve of the steering committee members for our Great Lakes regional convention have agreed to stay on to plan for 2023! Also fortunately, we were able to negotiate a contract with the Orrington Hotel in Evanston for the 2023 convention with no penalties for the cancellation of the 2021 dates. The steering committee met via Zoom in June, took care of tying up the loose ends, and will meet again a year from now to begin, yet again, the detailed process of planning for our 2023 convention. While we will need to submit a revised budget and program proposal for the 2023 convention, we certainly have a head start with regard to program planning, budget planning, and fundraising!
We’re obviously disappointed that we won’t be hosting the convention next summer, but very pleased with this decision. And you all now have lots of time to think about attending the Great Lakes AGO Convention June 25-28, 2023 – it’s not often that you have so much advance notice for an event!

Andrea Handley
Convention Coordinator,
Great Lakes AGO Convention 2023