Organic Diversions

A Biblical Nursery

In naming the various rooms of the church’s new educational building, appropriate Bible verses were selected for this purpose. On the door of the nursery was this verse: “We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.”  (I Corinthians 15:51)

Surprise! Surprise!

Our church has a physician as one of the members. When it is his turn to cover Sunday hospital visits, it was his practice for his wife to go on to church and he would join her there when he completed his rounds.  She saved space in her pew for him.

One Sunday morning during a prayer as a man slipped into the pew quietly and sat next to her, she reached over and placed her hand on his knee. After the prayer, she looked up and found not her husband but a complete stranger sitting next to her!

The Faithful (almost) Choir Member

The director of the choir was nearly frantic because at every rehearsal at least four or five singers were missing.  At the dress rehearsal, before the evening concert, he said to the choir, “I want to thank Gladys publicly for being the only member of the choir to attend every rehearsal.”

“It was the least I could do,” replied Gladys, “since I won’t be at the concert tonight.”    

Submitted by Royce Eckhardt

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Organic Diversions | June 2022

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