North Shore AGO Membership

Benefits of Membership

Member benefits at the national level include subscription to The American Organist magazine, special member rates for national and regional conventions, resources for education and professional development, and availability of professional certification and group insurance plans. For more about these and other benefits, see the National AGO Membership Page.

North Shore Chapter benefits include same-day notification of new issues of Overtones (our chapter newsletter), a chapter directory listing, access to our list of available positions, and listing on our Substitute Organists list if desired.

Who May Join

Membership in the American Guild of Organists is open to all—professional organists and choir directors, students, and organ enthusiasts alike—regardless of musical ability or denominational affiliation. To learn more about the NSAGO, see the About Us section.

See the Membership Levels tab for an explanation of membership options. The membership year runs from July 1 through June 30. Where The American Organist magazine is included, the subscription begins with the December issue and runs for twelve months. For new members joining during February and March, dues are reduced for the first year.

Membership Levels

All individuals or organizations interested in the organ and choral music fields are invited the join the American Guild of Organists.

Chapter Friend

Non-voting member, no subscription to The American Organist, includes Overtones newsletter.