Dean’s Column | June 2021

May 27, 2021 | June 2021, Dean's Column

Dear Friends, 

I have long been a fan of the late USC philosophy professor, Dallas Willard. His insights were profound and his demeanor  disarming and engaging. Few insights seem as prescient as his argument that we must “ruthlessly eliminate hurry from our lives.” To be clear, Willard wasn’t arguing that our pace of life was a physical problem, he simply claimed that we cannot expect to reflect and grow unless we slow down.

This seems to particularly apply to those of us who delight in discovering, mastering and creating music. Creativity needs that space to germinate and grow.  Perhaps for you, the month of June signals  an opportunity to push the reset button. Our mindset changes with the weather and we are able to do things we have looked forward to all year…. maybe that means getting away, spending more time outdoors, or even learning new organ literature at a less frenetic pace.

Whatever “summer” brings for you this month, I trust as the world around us begins to open up, that you take the time to “ruthlessly eliminate hurry”. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you discover not only for yourself, but to share with the rest of us.

Judy Kohl, Dean

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