North Shore Chapter Social Media

Did you know that we have a Northshore Chapter Facebook page? This Facebook page is the perfect place for you to view upcoming events and latest updates from our chapter!

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Thanks to Brian Schoettler, Publicity Chair, for keeping us current on social media. He has made these programs available for you to watch at your leisure.

Here are the links to the unlisted videos on YouTube:

September 2020:

November 2020:

February 2021:

May 16, 2021:

October 8, 2021 –

November 2021 –

Brian Schoettler

Brian Schoettler, DMA

Past Overtones

Dean’s Column | March 2022

Dear Friends, In my lifetime, I’ve been told to worry about: overpopulation, nuclear war, acid rain, holes in the ozone, an impending food shortage, an impending water shortage, an upcoming ice age, nuclear waste, soil erosion, the death of bumblebees, the collapse of...

2022 NSAGO Election Roster 

Dean - Bob Woodwoorth Robert E. Woodworth Jr. – while pursuing a degree in architectural engineering at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana, Mr. Woodworth studied organ with Paul Pettinga (a long-time student of Marcel Dupre). Continued study of the organ...