Recent Event Review: 2023 Epiphany Party

A Happy New Year begins at the annual Epiphany Party!

Our sincere thanks go to the Handleys, Andrea, David, and their daughter Rachel, for welcoming North Shore Chapter members into their beautiful Evanston home on Friday night, January 6, for what has become an annual Epiphany party.

Guests arrived to find plentiful appetizers, an array of beverages, and cheerful holiday decor—including two Christmas trees and two fireplaces. A time of gathering and conversation was followed by a delicious buffet supper, dessert, and coffee.

Duo pianists Andrea Handley and Sharon Peterson entertained us after dinner with a spirited arrangement of “Sleigh Ride.” Sharon then led a carol sing of audience favorites, interspersed with impromptu stories of Christmases past. Bob Woodworth’s photos tell the story and convey the collegial spirit of the evening.

Thanks again, Handleys, and Happy New Year to all!

Submitted by Christine Kraemer

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