Our dear member of the Chapter Adrienne Tindall, President of Darcey Press, has graciously invited all North Shore Chapter members to peruse the website of Darcey Press and select various pieces of music that you are interested in and Adrienne will send the music to you free of charge.
Please see her note below!

Dear NSAGO members:
I invite you all to visit www.darceypress.com and choose a book or two that interest you (hymn tune preludes, special focus projects, etc.). Send a “Contact Us” message, name the book(s) and give your USPS address, and I’ll send you comp copies.
My purpose is twofold:
- I want to retire from publishing and marketing (except for the biblical word search books). I have inventory available to sell, and whoever does the marketing will get at least half the income from selling the books.
- I don’t want music by my composers just thrown out: look at the (84!) “Composers” list via the Home Page button at the top.
That’s all for now. I’m available via “Contact Us” . Also via woof.tindall@gmail.com.
Happy New Year! Anyone who’s interested, you’re invited to come look at the Inventory!-Adrienne