A very hearty welcome to June 2024!

So here is another month of the year that features more graduation exercises, Father’s Day, Midsommer Fests, summer usually begins, holiday travels begin, end of year choir season concerts/special services, choir appreciation Sunday, Flag Day, another Eid Day, Juneteenth, World Bicycle Day, World Environment Day, World Food Safety Day, World Oceans Day, World Refugee Day, International Asteroid Day and Global Wind Day. Obviously there is such a very wide assortment of special days (and even more are on the list) to be cognizant of and also to be knowledgeable about – one to keep the mind full of information for all of us!!
Please let me say that the past two years as Dean have really been the most unique and interesting years for the North Shore Chapter AGO! We have witnessed several and outstanding Members’ Recitals, varied and outstanding workshops, Epiphany Parties and Annual Banquets. Of course, the outstanding event was planning, hosting and experiencing the Great Lakes Regional Convention one year ago during this month of June! Actually, North Shore Chapter AGO was one of the only two Chapters that sponsored Regional Conventions and actually made money. It was one of the very best that have been given in recent years – all this under the very capable leadership of Andrea Handley, Convention Co-ordinator! I am not completely sure of the exact number; however, from my view, the Chapter was able to add several new members in the last two years!
Lastly, I really need to thank each and every member of the Board for their service and work on the Board during my two years as Dean, so I must give a very sincere thanks to the following Chapter members: Rich Spantikow, James Janossy, James Janssen, Linda Cerabona, Paul Cochran, Jill Hunt, Brian Schoettler, Evan DuVall, Chris Urban, Derek Nickels, Pat Radosavljevic, Gary Wendt, Mary Beth Molenaar, Matthew Doran and Marianne Kim.

Election Results
Congratulations to the following for election to the North Shore Chapter AGO Board:
Dean – Brian Schoettler
Sub-Dean – Marianne Kim
Secretary – James Janossy
Treasurer – Chris Urban
Board Member – Richard Clemmitt
Board Member – Michael Gagne