Report from the Registrar
This is “The Year of the Young Organist”. The American Guild of Organists is celebrating our younger colleagues. For this year, young organists (under 30) both new and renewing, will not have to pay membership dues!
This is a great opportunity to reach out to your students or otherwise young organists you know, and share the gift of membership with them. Simply share this link with them and have them fill out the form.
If you are a young organist and existing member, you will receive an email invite from National Headquarters, steering you toward the above link. This is where you will renew your membership for the coming year.
It is important to know that these memberships AND renewals will not go through ONCARD. They have to use the form at the above link.
Let’s all spread the word and reach out to the younger crowd and get them involved!
Be well and safe!
Rich Spantikow
Registrar/Membership Coordinator