Dale Rogers, Organist, Elliott Chapel Recital Series

Elliott Chapel at Presbyterian Homes, 3131 Simpson Street, Evanston.  Reformation Music for Organ.   Dale Rogers is Director of Music and the Arts at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Springfield, IL.

Bach Clavierubung, Part III, St. Chrysostom’s Episcopal Church

St. Chrysostom's Church 1424 N. Dearborn Parkway, Chicago, IL, United States

St. Chrysostom's Episcopal Church, 1424 N. Dearborn Parkway, Chicago.  Organists Michael Costello, Richard Hoskins, David Jonies, Brian Schoettler, and Roger Stanley.  Contributions requested at the door.  Info:  Richard Hoskins at richard@saintc.org, […]

Brink Bush, Organist, St. John Cantius Parish

St. John Cantius Parish, 825 N. Carpenter Street, Chicago.   Mr. Bush specializes in the German Romantic repertoire.  $15 adults, $10 seniors/students, $5 youth 6 to 18.  Tickets online at cantius.org/go/events.   Info […]

NSAGO 60th Anniversary Season: Janette Fishell in Recital

Alice Millar Chapel 1870 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL, United States

Friday, November 10, 2017, 7:30pm Alice Millar Chapel, Northwestern University 1870 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208 JANETTE FISHELL in RECITAL Chair of the organ department at the Indiana University School […]

NSAGO 60th Anniversary Season: Janette Fishell Master Class

Alice Millar Chapel 1870 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL, United States

Saturday, November 11, 10:00am-noon Alice Millar Chapel, Northwestern University 1870 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208 MASTERCLASS with JANETTE FISHELL Chair of the organ department at the Indiana University School of […]