A special shout-out to member Kevin Burrow, who is marrying the love of his life Jennifer (Jenn) Andrews.
They will be married on Saturday, October 17 at St. Elizabeth Catholic Church in Kenosha, WI and will reside in Kenosha. Their dog Mumford and brand new puppy (English Cream retriever) Sully will make their home complete.
Kevin is currently the music director at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Libertyville, IL where he is primary organist. In “normal” non-pandemic circumstances, he has a children’s choir, teen choir, two adult choirs, and a handbell ensemble. They currently have four in-person Masses on the weekends and two drive-in Masses in the parking lot for those who do wish to worship outdoors due to health concerns. We wish Kevin the very best in all his new endeavors.
Richard Clemmitt shares a link to the Christ Church Winnetka Choir’s latest virtual choir video which involves clapping only.
The piece is an abbreviated version of a work called “Clapping Music” by Steve Reich.

Brian Schoettler invites us to these events:
Organist Eric Plutz presents the complete Vierne organ symphonies on Vierne’s birthday, Thursday, October 8 from 3:00-9:00pm. Each symphony will be performed on the hour and can be viewed on Princeton University Chapel’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqL-fM8ZUXN4lMUxo9Ji_uw
In observance of Louis Vierne’s 150th, First United Methodist Church of Evanston will present Vierne’s Messe solennelle in a streaming performance on YouTube on Friday, October 9th at 7:30pm.
The event is free and can be viewed on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4p61nLoo6cbYfwZblJbl5g/videos

A timely idea from Pat Radosavlijevic…
I’ve been thinking about ways to engage a small choir when our budget is very limited. Here is an idea that has worked well for me. I checked a couple of my most recent choral music purchases and looked on YouTube, and sure enough, the recording is there.
YouTube actually showed the music, single line by single line (which is even better for my non-music readers). We are well prepared for our October 4th anthem, “One World, One Communion” by Pepper Choplin, published by Hope Publishing. We are still not meeting in church, but this gives my choir an opportunity to practice and participate from home. Other anthems are recorded by various church choirs.
I plan to choose a few anthems, put the music in a plastic box for them to pick up outside our church, and email my choir members with the YouTube links and dates they will be included in our virtual service so they can practice and participate in our Sunday worship from home.