Profile of the Month: Barry Wenger

Barry Wenger

Director of Bell Choirs & Organist
First Presbyterian Church of Lake Forest

1. What is sitting on your desk right now? 

Church Calendar,  bell choir rosters, new handbell music that I am finishing up in Finale, Ipad for Zoom along with my computer, and The Upper Room Disciplines Book of Daily Devotions for 2021.

2. What would I rather be doing right now?

Yoga, and I probably will over lunch time. Then walk and play with Paxton, our dog.

3. The best advice I ever received?

Say yes to new things, as you never know how it may change your life!

4. The best advice I ever gave?

Keep on trying, even when life seems to get you down.  That may be the thing that has kept me going most in a tough year, even without a pandemic. 

5. What keeps me motivated in life?

God’s beauty in nature which I find in my backyard, watching birds, playing with our dog and three cats; biking along, boating upon, kayaking on Lake Michigan, and walking through Illinois Beach State Park.  Creating music on the organ, with my bell choirs, and now composing music for handbells.  Enjoying time with my family when I can and cherishing every moment.

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