From National Headquarters:We are delighted to invite you to register for THE WELL-TEMPERED FUTURE, the American Guild of Organists National Convention, July 3–7, 2022, in Seattle, Washington.
Registration is now open! If you’d like to register for the convention, please click Yes to complete your registration. If you’re not planning on attending the convention, please click No.
Proof of the COVID-19 vaccination will be required to complete your registration. Have your COVID-19 vaccination card in an electronic format available to upload. Visit the convention website registration page for more information and be sure to explore the convention website to discover concerts, new music, workshops, worship, and more.
Supersaver registration rates are available through January 31, 2022. Rates go up February 1, with additional increases March 1 and June 1. Register now and lock in the lowest rate!

Elizabeth George
Director of Member Engagement and Chapter Development