From Derek Nickels
SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 2022 AT 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM CDT
Chicago-Midwest Chapter of the Organ Historical Society presents a
Member’s Recital by Derek Nickels
The Chicago-Midwest Chapter of the Organ Historical Society concludes its 2021-2022 program year with a Member’s Recital by Derek Nickels on the 1892 Geo. S. Hutchings organ at Immaculate Conception and Saint Joseph Catholic Church, 1107 N. Orleans Street, Chicago, IL. A free-will offering will be taken for the ongoing maintenance of this historic instrument.
From Isabella (Isza) Wu
Congratulations to Isza who is stepping down from the NSAGO board to further pursue her musical studies. She played her Master’s Recital in Piano at Northwestern this past weekend and we will hopefully be able to pass along the link as soon as possible.
From Karl Bruhn
Looking for a roommate to share expenses at the National Convention in Seattle in July. Please reach out to Karl at 630-707-7655.
(Now who wouldn’t want to room with this friendly guy… ed.)