Great Lakes Regional Convention Update | October 2022

Sunday, October 23 will be a very important date for our convention! The Steering Committee for the Great Lakes Regional Convention 2023 and the North Shore Chapter will be co-hosting an event called:

  ‘A Taste of the Great Lakes Regional Convention: Organ and Hors d’oeuvres’

We will be visiting three of the convention venues on the North Shore for mini-recitals (by the resident organists), and finishing the afternoon with a wine and cheese reception where you will learn more about the convention and what you can do to get involved.

We will begin at Trinity United Methodist Church in Wilmette at 1:15pm for a 30-minute program (including open console time!). We will then travel by coach bus (FREE!) to Faith, Hope and Charity Catholic Church in Winnetka for a second program at 2:00pm, and from there to Winnetka Congregational Church for a program at 2:45, followed by the reception.  The bus will return us to Trinity to pick up cars by 4:00pm.

But wait, there’s more!  We need your help to publicize this event to your congregations, and more importantly ask that each of you invite at least one member (or more!) from your congregation to join you for this event.  We need non-organists’ enthusiasm for our convention for two reasons: 1) We want to encourage attendance at the convention recitals beyond convention attendees, and 2) We need many volunteers within venue churches to help make the convention run smoothly.

So here’s your ‘homework’:

  1. Please invite members of your congregation that you know to be organ fans to join you for this event.
  2. Please consider placing the following announcement in your bulletins, and/or have an announcement made in your services for the next few weeks:

The North Shore Chapter of the American Guild of Organists invites you to join them for an afternoon of organ music Sunday, October 23 at 1:15pm. The event will be a progressive organ recital, beginning at Trinity United Methodist Church in Wilmette (1024 Lake Ave). A FREE coach bus will transport participants to two more churches (Faith Hope and Charity in Winnetka and Winnetka Congregational Church) for two more mini-recitals. The afternoon will conclude with a wine-and-cheese reception at Winnetka Congregational, and participants will be transported back to Trinity to pick up cars by 4pm. This event is free and intended to publicize the upcoming Great Lakes Regional Convention which the North Shore AGO chapter is hosting next June, with many events open to the public.

We hope to see many, many of you with friends on October 23!

NSAGO Dean Andrea Handley

Andrea Handley
Convention Coordinator, Great Lakes Regional AGO Convention 2023

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