North Shore Chapter AGO Board News
As noted in the previous issue of the “Overtones” newsletter, Board Member James Janssen was elected to the position of Treasurer for the Chapter – thus leaving his three-year elected term position. Now we need to congratulate and welcome Jill Hunt as she has agreed to fill his term on the Board. Jill has served on the North Shore Board in various positions over several years. She has also served in various positions as a musician in the North Shore area and now is serving as the Organist/Choir Director at the Winnetka Congregational Church. Please see the article about her in the “Someone You Should Know” section of this issue of the “Overtones”.
Requiescat in Pace

Word was received recently of the tragic death Frances Mary Walker, a former long-time member of the North Shore Chapter AGO. Frances recently had assisted as organist at Queen of Apostles (Angels) Parish in Chicago and also served as a substitute organist in the City. Formerly she had served for 23 years as organist and youth choir director at North Shore United Methodist Church in Glencoe. Frances had piano performance degrees from both the University of Illinois and Northwestern University. Memorial services have been held at both Queen of Apostles Parish in Chicago and North Shore United Methodist in Glencoe.
Organ and Hors d’oeuvres – A Taste of the Great Lakes Regional
On one of the most beautiful and colorful Autumn days, the North Shore Chapter AGO co-sponsored with the Steering Committee of the 2023 North Shore Chapter AGO Regional Convention a tour and taste of three unique organs and churches that will be highlighted during the Regional Convention in June 25-28, 2023 in the North Shore area.
Featured on this tour was the Reuter Organ at Trinity United Methodist Church in Wilmette, demonstrated by Andrea Handley, the Casavant Organ at Saints Faith, Hope & Charity Parish in Winnetka demonstrated by Christian Stirling and the Pasi Organ at Winnetka Congregational Church demonstrated by Jill Hunt. This was followed by a closing Wine and Cheese Reception advertising the many ways the Chapter members and friends can support this Regional Convention by financial support and/or volunteering in several ways. This was a great afternoon of hearing some wonderful organ music and motoring through the suburbs viewing the changing colors of the trees.