The Hymn Society in the U.S. and Canada
The Center for Congregational Song is sponsoring an eight-session online course in basic hymnology during January 2023. Sessions will be held each Tuesday and Thursday. The course in basic hymnology will be a broad overview of congregational song in the church. Participants will imagine congregational singing to be a musical, theological and pastoral endeavor. The eight sessions will examine models of congregational song from a variety of Christian traditions and use them as case studies for discussing contemporary pastoral issues in singing the songs of the church. The primary instructor will be Ric Mathis, who currently serves as Pastor for Faith Formation, Worship and the Arts and Young Adults at the First Baptist Church of Washington, D.C. The course is mainly intended for musicians, pastors and others who do not hold church music degrees or who may have missed this area of study. Please contact the Hymn Society in the US and Canada for further information and registration for this hymnology online course.