Northshore AGO Scholarships Update

The Northshore AGO scholarship program matches students interested in learning about the organ with teachers in our chapter.  Interested students receive three free lessons and a free one-year membership in the North Shore Chapter AGO and the national American Guild of Organists (including their magazine.)

Students who have received scholarships in the past have often decided to continue to study organ with their scholarship teacher.  Generally, lessons are arranged during the summer when teachers and students have more time, but there is no time restriction.

If YOU are interested in teaching a scholarship student please use the link below to put your name on our list.

If you are aware of STUDENTS who are interested in taking advantage of our scholarship program, please share the link below with them:

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Northshore Scholarship Chair!

Dr. Mary Beth Molenaar

Past Overtones

Organ Scholarship Update

The North Shore AGO is offering two new organ scholarships available for beginning or continuing organ students who study with a teacher who is a member of the North Shore chapter. One or two awards of $250.00 will be made each year and are to be used for expenses...

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