From AGO National Headquarters

A word from our Great Lakes Regional Councillor – Caron Farmer

As Great Lakes Regional Councillor, I look forward to working with your chapter as you prepare for the 2023 Great Lakes Regional Convention.  I was on the Steering Committee for the last regional convention in Grand Rapids, so I understand what is involved in hosting such an event and I am anticipating a great convention on the North Shore.  The National Headquarters staff is making changes in the website and will continue to make it more easily accessible and I recommend your accessing the new AGO publication, “Employing Musicians in Religious Institutions.”

I commend your Dean for continuing to communicate with your membership during these challenging times.  I wish you well as you finish your program year and hope that we will meet in person later this year or for certain in 2022.

Caron Farmer is a retired teacher from the Muskegon Public Schools where she taught vocal music, English, and Spanish.  Since her retirement she has devoted her time to studying organ and completing work on the Colleague Certificate of the American Guild of Organists (CAGO) and the Associate Certificate of the American Guild of Organists (AAGO).  She is a graduate of Hope College where she studied piano with Charles Aschbrenner while completing her degree in Music Education.  She also holds the Masters Degree from Western Michigan University in Educational Leadership.  

In her second career as Music Director at Samuel Lutheran Church, Muskegon, MI and St. John’s Episcopal Church, Grand Haven, MI she has studied with Huw Lewis of Hope College.  She currently is a free-lance organist and serves as a substitute organist in various congregations in the West Michigan area.  She has commissioned two works, “A Refined Reflection” by Stephen Paulus, and “Llif (Flowing)” by Libby Larsen both of which have been heard on Pipedreams.  She likes to play the music of American composers and especially the music of living women composers.

Past Overtones