Over the last few days, I have been recalling wonderful memories of my very dear friend, and former mentor, Mr. Leon Nelson. I had the wonderful and distinct honor to have studied the organ with Lee during my time at North Park University in Chicago on the 3 manual Balcolm and Vaughn pipe organ in Anderson Chapel from August 2006 – May 2012. During the first couple of years, I was trying to decide whether or not to major in music.
After a couple years of “exploring,” I enrolled in the BA of Music program at North Park with strong emphasis in Organ/Service Playing.
Before North Park though, I became acquainted with Lee through the Illinois North Shore AGO Chapter in 2004/2005. It was through this connection he graciously invited me to perform on my first “Wednesday’s at Noon” concert series at First Presbyterian Church in Arlington Heights where I became more acquainted with Lee as well as the excellent Schantz pipe organ, and also introduced to his Music Associate, Chris Urban.
In 2006, I attended my first National AGO Convention in Chicago and had several “bumps” with Lee which were very much encouraging to me as I have heard about this wonderful person through my late grandparents with hearing how he served at First Presbyterian Church in Deerfield, and was also a teacher of the late Dr. Bill Crowle, who also mentioned to me Lee by name on several conversations early on.
During my time as an undergraduate at North Park, I gained so much insight on hymnody, improvisation, and exciting organ compositions by Marcel Dupre, Cesar Franck, as well as seeing the early stages of Lee’s compositions before they came to print at Hope Publishing.
Lee was for a year, the Interim Director of the NPU Women’s Chorale which I had the honor of working closely with him as the accompanist to that choral ensemble in addition of already learning the wonderful and exciting works for the pipe organ. Lee was such a blessing to me (as well as to the many other students over the years at North Park) as he stood by me from my first day at NPU, no matter how many times I wanted to give up, until the final day, with graduation where he got up from the organ console in the North Park gymnasium and gave me a hug as I walked up to finally receive my degree from Dr. David Parkyn, former President of NPU in May of 2012 and made sure I started what I finished as he was there every step of the way to encourage me on.
His friendship, and mentorship meant the world to me knowing I had someone who was patient, kind, and very forgiving with making a few wrong notes here and there.
At North Park, Lee brought in Dr. Gerre Hancock in collaboration with the Chicago AGO Chapter where I had the honor of playing in Dr. Hancock’s masterclass which is where I first learned the phrase “Salvation is only a half step away”, and Dr. Hancock was spot on! In 2009, Lee assisted me with developing the very first Hymn Festival at North Park University which he gave a lot of guidance on as well as conducted the women’s chorale in the debut of the annual “Hymn Festival” Series.
Lee was always very generous with his time, especially with our many lunches post North Park just to catch up with the day to day life. Lee also was very much supportive of my Music Ministry at Saint Matthew’s as he attended the very first worship service featuring the new Rodgers Infinity 361 on Ascension Day, May 2019. I had invited Lee to attend the very first service with the new Rodgers as I had purposely planned to play his “Processional” for the first postlude with the new organ to demonstrate some of the powerful reeds.
In October of 2020, during the pandemic, I gave a virtual organ recital from the kind invitation of Dr. John Sherer, Director of Music/Organist at Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago, and also the present University Organist at North Park; on the fantastic 5 manual 143 rank Quimby pipe organ, and as my way of honoring Lee and to thank him for being my instructor and friend, I included his “Aria” published by Hope Publishing as one of the several pieces on the virtual recital to showcase some of the delicate sounds of this excellent and majestic pipe organ.
Lee, you were a Godsend, a blessing in my life and you not only made my life richer, but blessed me with sharing your passion of the king of instruments and its fantastic repertoire. Thank you for allowing me to be your final student at North Park, and thank you for your continued support and blessings in music.
I am going to borrow the last line of the timeless hymn
“God Be With You Until We Meet Again”,
Thank you for not giving up on me and encouraging me every step of the way,
and Lee, may God be with you until we meet again.