Volunteers Needed for the Regional Convention
We as a chapter are looking forward to the opportunity to host the Great Lakes AGO Regional Convention this summer, June 25 – 28. The program looks great, so as you can imagine, we need many
Volunteers to make things run smoothly. WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO JOIN THE TEAM? Whether your schedule allows you to be available throughout the convention, or you have
Specific times you would be available, please consider helping out in this way. We have so much to off to those in our region.
You can reach out to me, Judy Kohl at volunteer@nsago2023.org. We can be in touch closer to the event with the details of your volunteering.
Thank you in advance.
February Days
From the pen of Ellwood Roberts
The icy northern blast sweeps by,
From wild wastes of the Arctics snow,
Above us droops a wintry sky,
A bleak white landscape lies below.
But ‘neath the chilly Polar blast,
A low sweet undertone I hear;
The wintry storms will soon be past,
And pleasant Spring-time days are near.
January 6th – Annual Epiphany Party
Many, many thanks to Andrea and David Handley for welcoming the several members of the North Shore Chapter AGO to their festival home on January 6th for the Chapter’s Annual Epiphany Party. There was such a wonderful array of food served against the flickering lights of two fireplaces along with a wonderful social time along with piano duet music by Andrea Handley and Sharon Peterson! Please see a review article in this Overtones issue.
Nominating Committee
Please note that Chapter members Jill Hunt, Christine Kraemer and James Brown have been appointed as the Nominating Committee to select three Chapter members to be elected this Spring and to serve in a 3-year term to the Chapter Board. If one of these people call and ask you to serve on the Chapter Board, then please say YES! This Committee will need to make a recommendation to the Chapter Board at its next meeting.