July 2016
Treasurer’s Corner

Jun 30, 2016 | Uncategorized

This is the time of year when it is really fun to be the Treasurer for our North Shore Chapter.  There are just a few expenses left to be paid for our programs from last year, and the renewals and contributions are coming in!   Our balance at the end of June is $47,863.52.  

In June we received the funds from 18 of you who renewed your membership for the coming year, and 5 of you made an extra contribution to our chapter.   It is much appreciated.  (There were 10 whose funds we received in May and 2 in April.)   I can also see that National will be sending us monies in July for 9 of you that have renewed and 2 of you have made an extra contribution to our chapter.  (I also know that several of you have renewed in the last few days.  I don’t have visibility to that count, but estimate it is at least another 6 people.)

We extend a “Thank You” to  Jerry Hall, Andrea Handley, Jill Hunt, Lee Nelson, Sharon Peterson, David Schrader and Adrienne Tindall for your contributions to our chapter totally $736. 

As I write this report on June 30th, I can see from the ONCARD system that there are 31 remaining members whose membership renewal fee is due July 1st (and a couple of you with a due date of August 1st).  Please feel free to contact me if you would like any help in processing your renewal.  

Here is a hot tip – If your church pays your AGO dues as a part of your compensation, you can (or I can help you if you contact me at treasurer@northshoreago.org) get a paper copy of your renewal form that you can then submit to your church who can then pay the National AGO office directly.  Let me know if I can help in any way.

Enjoy the rest of the summer.  I look forward to seeing your renewal this summer and you in the fall!

Laurie Stivers headshot

Laurie Stivers

Laurie Stivers, Treasurer

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