April 2018
Treasurer’s Corner

Welcome to Eastertide!   I hope you have had a chance to rest from the musical frenzy of the past week.

Our checking account had income of $1,220 during March.  I moved $1,000 from saving into the checking as the balance was reaching the threshold where we need to pay a service fee.   The remaining amount came from National for membership dues and donations.  I’m delighted to report that Hyeyoun Jung, Daniel Segner, and Bill Aylesworth will be joining us for the next year.  And we thank Bill for his contribution to the chapter.

Our expenses for March were $168.19 for program expenses.  That leaves us with the following balances:

Checking                       $2,850.26

Scholarship Fund         $5,317.36

Savings Account        $23,021.58

Total                             $31,189.20

Laurie Stivers headshot

Laurie Stivers

Laurie Stivers, treasurer

Past Overtones