Certification Exams and COVID-19
The coronavirus outbreak has had quite an adverse effect on the AGO certification exam process, leading to either delays or outright cancellation of last spring’s exams. Now that we have begun a new exam cycle, for the safety of all involved the following regulations need to be carefully observed.
Anyone having difficulty finding an appropriate venue for a Service Playing test or Colleague exam due to restrictions in place caused by the pandemic should contact the director of the Committee on Professional Certification, André Lash, FAGO, in order to explore possible solutions.
The AGO Task Force on Gender Equity
The AGO is excited to announce that a task force has been formed under the leadership of Nancy Cooper, DMA, CAGO, to address gender equity in our profession.
- To advocate for women organists
- To bring more women into the Guild
- To attract a new generation of young women organists
- To build equal representation of women in the American Guild of Organists at all levels
The task force will be planning meetings and webinars to support greater awareness of its mission. For more information please email elizabeth.george@agohq.org.

Elizabeth George, CMM
Director of Member Engagement and Chapter Development