Even a pandemic doesn’t keep eager students & teachers from getting together! We are very grateful Susan Klotzbach, teacher, and Rachel Boeke, student, were able to have three lessons at Susan’s church, Kenilworth Union Church. Rachel had expressed an interest in lessons after noticing our OSI on our website. (So glad it’s kept up to date!) We so appreciate Susan’s enthusiastic response to Rachel’s eager request. Rachel has studied percussion and guitar and had taught herself piano. Studying organ fulfilled her desire to learn more about the instrument and its repertoire. Susan reported, “Rachel was a delight.”
We look forward to seeing Rachel at upcoming NSAGO events. Please welcome her into the Chapter as you have the opportunity. Her participation in this program gives her one year’s complimentary membership in the NSAGO.
Thank you for the financial gifts many of you give to support our Scholarship program. Thank you to Susan, and other members, who faithfully donate their time and expertise to enable others to progress on their Organist journeys. Whom can you invite to the next event? How can you nourish, comfort, and inspire others through your skills at the organ? Let us thank God for this meaningful ministry of music!

Sharon R. Peterson
Coordinator, Organ Scholarship Initiative