On the afternoon of October 23, 2022, the North Shore AGO Chapter in conjunction with the Steering Committee for the 2023 Great Lakes Regional Convention will co-host an exciting program called:
‘Organ and Hors d-oeuvres’:
A Taste of the upcoming Great Lakes Regional Convention
October 23, 2022
1:15pm – 4pm
We will begin at 1:15pm and travel together by bus (free!!) to three of the church venues that will be part of the convention. At each location, we will hear a short description of the instrument, a mini-recital, and have some console time. At the final location, we will conclude with a wine and cheese reception, where we will hear more details of the upcoming convention and learn the many ways to be involved.
The venues we will be visiting are: Trinity United Methodist Church Wilmette, Faith Hope and Charity Catholic Church in Winnetka, and Winnetka Congregational Church. After the reception at Winnetka Congregational, we will return to Trinity by 4pm to reclaim our cars.
As this event is not only a chapter program for this season, but a preview of the convention, we are asking that you all not only plan to attend, but please consider inviting non-organist members from your congregations who are fans of the organ and might not only enjoy hearing these instruments, but hearing about the events that will be open to the public during the convention.
In early October, we will ask for a head count (necessary for the bus company), so please begin thinking about congregational members to invite now so we can get a fairly accurate number by the first week in October.
Looking forward to seeing you ALL there!!!

(Convention Coordinator)

(Sub-Dean of NSAGO)