July 2017
Treasurer’s Corner

We close out our program year in great shape.  We had $828 of income in June, a result of dues from 17 members as well as donations.  We thank Alan Hommerding, Derek Nickels, and Joyce Robinson for their donations to both the scholarship and chapter funds.

Expenses for the month were a tad over $1,500 as I paid expenses for our web design and support, the reception for the Member’s Recital and expense from the Hymn Festival.

Our checking account balance is$2,653.50.

Our scholarship fund has a balance of $5,301.18 and our saving account has $32.012.62.  That means our accounts have a total of $39.967.30.

Next month I will report on the income and expense in our scholarship account.  I’m glad to report that I will be spending some money in July!!

Have a happy and safe holiday weekend!!

Laurie Stivers headshot

Laurie Stivers

Laurie Stivers, treasurer

Past Overtones