Kansas City 2018 National Convention

The Paris of the Plains with its many  beautiful fountains and boulevards Welcomes YOU to the 2018 AGO National Convention  –  “Bach, Blues, and BBQ

July 2-6 in Kansas City, Missouri 

Geographic center of the 48 states – Reasonable airfare and travel time – Equally convenient from both coasts!  Performers, Venues, Organs, Worship Services, Workshop Topics, and Local Attractions are listed at our Convention Website www.agokc2018.com where you can sign up for our newsletter or request more information. 

Opportunities are available for underwriting many of the convention events.  Donor information is available at 2018_KC_Donor.  Make checks payable to “AGO KC 2018”.  Mail to: Debbie Winter, Convention Treasurer, PO Box 41523, Kansas City, MO  64171 

Past Overtones