September 2016
Treasurer’s Corner

Aug 31, 2016 | Uncategorized

I’m pleased to report that this summer has been good for our AGO chapter. Our income for July & August is $2,110.00. This income represents $750 of contributions to our chapter, $1,200 from dues, and $150 to the Scholarship Fund. Our minimal expenses of $472.50 was from our Member’s recital and banquet in June and quarterly web support. That leaves our checkbook with a healthy balance of $49,501.02

There are only a few members who have not yet renewed for the coming year. If you are one of those, please do so soon! And if you’re having difficulty renewing with ONCARD, please let me know, and I’ll help you with the process. (

Enjoy the rest of the summer and make sure you mark your calendar for our first event of the coming season when we will hear Vincent DuBois from Notre Dame. That event is on Friday, October 7th at 7:30 at St. Luke’s in Evanston. I look forward to seeing you there!!

Laurie Stivers headshot

Laurie Stivers

Laurie Stivers, treasurer

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