July 2018
Treasurer’s Corner

Jul 3, 2018 | Uncategorized

This month marks the transition between Laurie Stivers and Richard Spears as the Treasurer of the North Shore Chapter. Having had a chance to look at the books, I want to speak for the entire membership in thanking Laurie for bringing a high level of organization and discipline to our financial records. I hope I can continue with the precedent she has set. At the same time, Rich Spantikow will assume the duties of Registrar and other membership concerns, and will take over the new Membership Matters column starting next month.

The accounts will be reconciled on the last day of the June, and the details of the month’s transactions will be presented to the board at its next meeting for approval. As of this date (28 June 2018) the current balances of the three accounts are:

Checking $2263.36

Scholarships $4237.64

Reserves $24,822.73

Those figures include two inter-account transfers: From Scholarships to Checking, $1,250.00 to cover funds donated to the Enright and Kemper Scholarship funds, and $2,300.00 from Checking into Reserves to replace earlier transfers made to the checking account to cover expenses in anticipation of dues and donations collection. A payment of $25.00 for the banquet was received. A check was written to Judith Kohl to reimburse her for picnic expenses. The monthly remittance of monies collected by ONCARD was $519.00.

Most of the chapter dues and donations are received in July or August and are yet to appear in our accounts. There only one check written in June, and there are no outstanding checks or other expenses pending.

In addition to chapter dues, usually either $33.00 or $41.00 per year, the chapter is dependent on reserves and additional donations to cover the costs of underwriting programs, the website, and expenses. Your donations are important to the chapter and will be recognized. 

Richard Spears, Treasurer


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