September 2018
Treasurer’s Corner

Sep 9, 2018 | Uncategorized

The month of August has been quiet, and there has only been one transaction. The accounts will be reconciled on the last day of the July, and the details of the month’s transactions will be presented to the board at its next meeting for approval. As of this date (30 August, 2018) the current balances of the three accounts are:

Checking $2824.36

Scholarships $4372.86

Reserves $26,174.24

Total.    $33,371.46

Those figures include only one change from the previous report: the monthly  remittance of dues and contributions from ONCARD in the amount of $818.00.

Our year-to-date collection of dues and contributions amounts to $3,892.00. Additional funds will come from participant fees.

Most of the chapter dues and donations are received in July or August and have now appeared in our accounts. No checks were written in August and there are no outstanding checks or other expenses pending.

In addition to chapter dues, usually either $33.00 or $41.00 per year, the chapter is dependent on reserves and additional donations to cover the costs of underwriting programs, the website, and expenses. Your donations are important to the chapter and will be recognized.

Richard Spears, Treasurer

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