Member Chalkboard
July 2019

Jun 17, 2019 | July, 2019, Member News

Jill Hunt reflects on why she attends AGO conventions….

I admit I am an AGO convention junkie. My friend, Helen, prefers the Regionals. I prefer the Nationals, but both work! What makes AGO conventions so special? Consider 2500 organists and church musicians singing hymns in the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. Consider hearing the best organists in the world—from the US and abroad—playing on the best instruments in the most beautiful churches in our country. Consider that at a convention you are with hundreds of your new best friends. Any person you sit down by is a colleague and open to conversation and knows someone you know—and “gets” all of your church stories and music jokes. Consider inspiring and innovative worship that YOU don’t have to plan or play for. Consider absorbing new ideas at workshops and music exhibits where you can actually see and touch the music. Consider really getting acquainted with great cities around our country and sampling the different local cuisines—Kansas City barbecue, Boston clam chowder, etc., etc., etc., etc. All you have to do is get there, get on the bus at the right time, and ENJOY!!

As church musicians we work long, hard hours and we mostly work alone. One needs a time to step back and reflect on the past, assess the present, and dream new dreams for the future. An AGO convention provides this time for me.
Again my friend, Helen says “Going to an AGO convention is like going to someone’s house for dinner. For days they have been preparing delicious food for you to enjoy—plus preparing their homes. All you have to do is go and enjoy!”


Does your church library need a boost?….

Mary Clare Cadieux writes that she was music director for a Lutheran church for a number of years. When that church consolidated, she was given their entire choral library – many standards, some newer compositions, some published collections/books. She no longer has a need for these and would love another church to use the collection (there are about 35 bankers boxes of material). She would only ask that someone pick them up sometime later this summer.

If anyone could use this music, please reach out to Mary Clare at the following email address:

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