Recent Event Review: AGO Meeting September 2019

On a dark and rainy Sunday afternoon (It was a dark and stormy night…..) 30 North Shore members and friends gathered at Christ Church in Winnetka for fellowship and music sharing. We enjoyed delicious cookies, cheese and crackers and punch provided so ably by Eileen Baumgarten.  There were tables of anthems and organ music which people brought just to share with others.  Some brought organ music they no longer needed and were so happy that others found them interesting and took them home! 

Our program was a sharing and demonstration time provided by five of our members.  Lee Nelson guided us through two anthems which were favorites of his. We had great fun with three anthems by Joel Raney which Pat Radosavljevic shared with us including an arrangement of “Praise Ye the Lord” for choir, congregation, piano, organ, and handbells.  We were so glad to have Barry Wenger bring five of his favorite handbell anthems and play parts on the piano and talk us through them.  Peggy Massello played selections from a book of short organ pieces by Hermann Schroeder.  We closed with Rich Spantikow playing selections from a new composition for organ by Craig Phillips.  Many thanks to these members for their preparation and the insights they brought to us. 

To conclude the evening Karl Bruhn, our Regional Councillor, installed our chapter officers for 2019-20.  We closed with the singing of a wonderful hymn, “For the Music of Creation,” text by Shirley Erena Murray and music by Richard Clemmitt.

We so appreciate those who shared in the program, Richard Clemmitt, our host at Christ Church, Eileen Baumgarten, and all those who brought music.  We brought friendship, music and fun to a …..”dark and stormy night!”

Submitted by Jill Hunt

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