January 2023

Dean’s Column | January 2023

A very Happy New Year to Everyone!! Even with the very, very cold days surrounding Christmas, I trust that everyone involved in the music of the Christmas Season celebrated with the joyous sounds of organ and choral music of the Season. I am sure that there were obviously many extra and long rehearsals for the organists, choir directors and choirs to present the best music possible. Actually it was a joy to return to basically a full house and packed services to celebrate the Birth of Christ...
Members Chalkboard | January 2023

Members Chalkboard | January 2023

The Hymn Society in the U.S. and Canada The Center for Congregational Song is sponsoring an eight-session online course in basic hymnology during January 2023. Sessions will be held each Tuesday and Thursday. The course in basic hymnology will be a broad overview of...

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