Treasurer’s Corner
Monthly updates from the NSAGO treasurer
Treasurer’s Corner | October 2020
August 2020 Financial Statement
Checking account:
Beginning Balance: 4866.00
Income from Dues: 738.00
Subtotal: 5604.00
Expenses: 86.77 – Gifts for outgoing board
Ending Balance: 5517.23
Savings Account: $2094.84
Savings Account: $16,389.39
Total Balance: $24,001.99
September 2020 Financial Statement
Checking account:
Beginning Balance: 5517.23
Income from Dues: 272.00
Subtotal: 5789.23
Expenses: 0.00
Ending Balance: 5789.23
Savings Account: $2094.88
Savings Account: $16,389.66
Total Balance: $24273.77
Respectfully submitted,
David Hiett
Treasurer’s Corner
Income from dues and donations received during December was $60.00. Most members’ annual dues are paid between June and September and income from dues and contributions will be minimal until next June.
Our current balances as of 25 January, 2020 were:
Checking $2458.48
Scholarships $2,094.51
Reserves $18,186.79
Total $22,739.78
There were no expenditures recorded thus far for the month of January, but a payment of $130.00 for website services and a payment of $260.00 to the national office for organ scholar memberships.
Please make sure your information is up-to-date in the national AGO website ( ). Records of your street address, email address, telephone number, etc., are sorted there and shared by the chapter and the national organization. Please update your information whenever there is a change so that you can continue to receive emails, TAO, invitations, announcements, and invoices.
In addition to chapter dues, usually either $33.00 or $41.00 per year, the chapter is dependent on reserves and additional donations to cover the costs of underwriting programs, the website, and expenses. Your donations are important to the chapter and will be recognized. Please make your donations online through ONCARD. While you are signed onto ONCARD, please make sure your address, telephone number(s), Substitution List status, and email address(es) are up to date. It’s easy to do.
Richard Spears
January 2020
North Shore AGO Contributors
The following members of our chapter have sent generous donations in fiscal year 2019 in addition to their membership dues. We thank them for providing special support for our chapter. Note that this list does not include donors to the Regional Convention. Please let us know if there are errors in the listing
Benefactors – $250 to $499
Alan B. Whaley
Adrienne M. Tindall
Sponsors – $100 to $249
Karl Bruhn
Andrea H. Handley
Jill S. Hunt
William R. Roderick
Rich Spantikow
Patrons – $50 to $99
Richard A. Spears
Millie Johnson
David D. Schrader
Alan J. Hommerding
Tomoko Shibuya
James Janossy
James A. Sharpe
Steven W. Folkers
Robert Neuenschwander
Friends – up to $49
Elizabeth M. Naegele
Leon Nelson
Beverly L. Sheridan
Eileen Baumgarten
Mary Anne Eichhorn
Mark A, Konchan
Treasurer’s CornerMarch 2020
Income from dues and donations received during February was $430.00. Most members’ annual dues are paid between June and September and income from dues and contributions will be minimal until next June.
Our current balances as of 26 February, 2020 were:
Checking $1971.30
Scholarships $2,094.56
Reserves $18,187.25
Total $22,253.11
A check for $265.00 was written to the national office to cover memberships for our three organ scholars. A $5.00 overpayment of that transaction was returned to the chapter. The monthly payment of $130.00 for webmaster services was automatically deducted from our account, and the treasurer was reimbursed $527.18 for annual and triennial charges for the NSAGO website.
Please make sure your information is up-to-date on ONCARD which is in the national AGO website ( ). Records of your street address, email address, telephone number, etc., are stored there and shared between the chapter and the national organization. Please update your information whenever there is a change so that you can continue to receive emails, TAO, invitations, announcements, and invoices.
In addition to chapter dues, usually either $33.00 or $41.00 per year, the chapter is dependent on reserves and additional donations to cover the costs of underwriting programs, the website, and expenses. Your donations are important to the chapter and will be recognized. Please make your donations online through ONCARD. While you are signed onto ONCARD, please make sure your address, telephone number(s), Substitution List status, and email address(es) are up to date. It’s easy to do.
Richard Spears
26 February, 2020
Treasurer’s CornerApril 2020
There was no income from dues and donations received during March. Most members’ annual dues are paid between June and September and income from dues and contributions will be minimal until next June.
Our current balances as of 25 March, 2020 were:
Checking $1991.30
Scholarships $2,094.61
Reserves $16,387.67
Total $20,473.58
Checks were written for a total of $1,650.00 to cover the costs of the Rübsam concet. The monthly payment of $130.00 for webmaster services was automatically deducted from our account.
Please make sure your information is up-to-date on ONCARD which is in the national AGO website ( ). Records of your street address, email address, telephone number, etc., are stored there and shared between the chapter and the national organization. Please update your information whenever there is a change so that you can continue to receive emails, TAO, invitations, announcements, and invoices.
In addition to chapter dues, usually either $33.00 or $41.00 per year, the chapter is dependent on reserves and additional donations to cover the costs of underwriting programs, the website, and expenses. Your donations are important to the chapter and will be recognized. Please make your donations online through ONCARD. While you are signed onto ONCARD, please make sure your address, telephone number(s), Substitution List status, and email address(es) are up to date. It’s easy to do.
Richard Spears
25 March, 2020
Treasurer’s CornerMay 2020
As of April 27, $145.00 had been received by the chapter for the payment of dues. Most members’ annual dues are paid between June and September and income from dues and contributions will be minimal until next June. Sixty-six members have been invoiced for dues to be paid in the next two months. Please pay promptly via ONCARD.
Our current balances as of 27 April, 2020 were:
Checking $1993.00
Scholarships $2,094.66
Reserves $16,388.04
Total $20,475.70
No checks were written, but a bill for $13.30 relating to our PayPal account was paid. The monthly payment of $130.00 for webmaster services was automatically deducted from our account on April 30..
Please make sure your information is up-to-date on ONCARD which is in the national AGO website ( ). Records of your street address, email address, telephone number, etc., are stored there and shared betweenthe chapter and the national organization. Please update your information whenever there is a change so that you can continue to receive emails, TAO, invitations, announcements, and invoices.
In addition to chapter dues, usually either $33.00 or $41.00 per year, the chapter is dependent on reserves and additional donations to cover the costs of underwriting programs, the website, and expenses. Your donations are important to the chapter and will be recognized. Please make your donations online through ONCARD. While you are signed onto ONCARD, please make sure your address, telephone number(s), Substitution List status, and email address(es) are correct and up to date. It’s easy to do.
Richard Spears
Treasurer’s Corner June 2020
28 June, 2020 for the Month of May, 2020
May was a very quiet month. The only expenditure was $130.00 for Webmaster services, and the income was $74.00 in dues plus $0.29 in interest.
The total in our bank accounts was $20,346.00 and we overspent our income this month by only $55.71. June is the month when dues and contributions begin rolling in and the remits for June total $1350.00 so far, including $675.00 in contributions. The contributions are a very good sign, especially when the Regional is seeking contributions at the same time.
This is my final report as treasurer. It’s been a pleasure, and I will miss these meetings and working together for the benefit of our instrument, its players, and our audiences.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Spears
Treasurer’s Corner – June 2020
As of May 28, $74.00 had been received by the chapter for the payment of dues. Most members’ annual dues are paid between June and September and income from dues and contributions will be minimal until next month. Members have been invoiced for dues to be paid in the next two months. Please pay promptly via ONCARD.
Our current balances as of 28 May, 2020 were:
Checking $1937.00
Scholarships $2,094.69
Reserves $16,388.31
Total $20,420.00
No checks were written. The monthly payment of $130.00 for webmaster services will be deducted at the end of May.
Please make sure your information is up-to-date on ONCARD which is in the national AGO website ( ). Records of your street address, email address, telephone number, etc., are stored there and shared between the chapter and the national organization. Please update your information whenever there is a change so that you can continue to receive emails, TAO, invitations, announcements, and invoices.
In addition to chapter dues, usually either $33.00 or $41.00 per year, the chapter is dependent on reserves and additional donations to cover the costs of underwriting programs, the website, and expenses. Your donations are important to the chapter and will be recognized. Please make your donations online through ONCARD. While you are signed onto ONCARD, please make sure your address, telephone number(s), Substitution List status, and email address(es) are correct and up to date. It’s easy to do.
Richard Spears
28 May, 2020
Treasurer’s Corner | July 2020
The Treasurer’s Corner
Reporting on the Month of June, 2020
June was another very quiet month. The only expenditure was $130.00 for Webmaster services, and the income was $1350.00 in dues and contributions. Expenditures were $130.00 for Webmaster services, and credit was received for a stopped check (lost), and the check was rewritten.
The total in our bank accounts was $21,640.29 on June 29th. June is the month when dues and contributions begin rolling in and the remits for June total $1350.00 so far, including $675.00 in contributions. The contributions are a very good sign, especially when the Regional is seeking contributions at the same time. Members who have been invoiced for dues, are urged to pay them as soon as possible. At the same time, please review your mailing address(es), telephone number(s), and email address and update wherever needed.
This is my final report as treasurer, with my term ending on July 1, 2020. It’s been a pleasure, and I will miss board meetings and working for the benefit of our instrument, its players, and our audiences. I am happy to introduce Dave Hiett, a past treasurer of the chapter, who was elected to serve from July 1, 2020, to July 1, 2022.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Spears
Treasurer’s Corner | September 2020
July 2020 Financial Statement
Checking account:
Beginning Balance: 3027.00
Income from Dues: 1839.00
Subtotal: 4866.00
Expenses: 0.00
Ending Balance: 4866.00
Savings Account: $2074.80
Savings Account: $16,389.12
Total Balance: $23,349.92
Respectfully submitted,
David Hiett